Thursday, October 02, 2008

Website Printing

I found this cool website for helping you print website. It allows you to control everything that is to be printed. Give it a look.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm So Stylish ....

I just found the coolest Firefox extension. It allows you to control the style of any website that is loaded into your Firefox browser. The extension has a community website that users submit their own styles so that others can share. For example, I really love using Gmail but I think their look-and-feel could have been done by a 10 year old. I grabbed a really nice looking user submitted file and voila .... I have a very nice looking email interface.

The style control can be used for all sorts of things:
-Remove annoying ads
-Change color scheme
-Adjust usability of website

One nice option is if you know CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), you can modify the style yourself. I have downloaded the user styles that I liked the best and then tweaked the style to be more what I like. It is amazing what you can do with this extension and CSS. I modified the Google search results page to keep the search box and button at the top of the page as I scroll. Now I can have Google return 50 search items and still be able to easily adjust my search criteria without scrolling anywhere.

I've been using it for a week and I am in love. Check out the Stylish extension website at:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Encryption Question

I'm working on an encryption solution at work. We currently need to symmetrically encrypt a user's password and store it in a database field. I need to somehow securely store the symmetric encryption key so that no one can access it except this application. I can't store it in the code because tools like Reflector and can find it. Has anybody found a great way of doing this?

Task Switcher for XP

I am an 'Alt+Tab' addict. I have had a keyboard with a broken tab key and I was crippled on that keyboard. I'll use 'Alt+Tab' to quickly switch between to applications that I've been using recently. I also use it to get to an already open application. My problem is that I tend to have quite a few applications open at a time and it can take some time to 'Alt+Tab' to the correct application.

So last week I found a nifty little tool that replaces the default XP 'Alt+Tab' functionality. This tool gives you a preview of the applications that are currently running and also lets me use the mouse to select the application that I want to activate (not possible with the default 'Alt+Tab'). The tool has a lot of other tweaks that you can do. I've been using it for a week now and really like it. Give it a try. The tool is called TaskSwitchXP.

I have no complaints so far with TaskSwitchXP.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Kid Deterrent

A guy at work showed me a sound that is supposed to scare away kids and teenagers, similar to those devices that makes sounds that scare away mosquitoes. I guess the UK is using it to help encourage teenagers to no longer loiter near gas stations. Supposedly, in your early twenties we start having certain hairs in our ears die off which prevent adults from hearing the sound. So I tried listening to the sound and holy cow that sound hurts. It would definitely drive me away. My coworkers (most of them are in their 40's and 50') could not hear it. There was only one lady in her 40's that could hear it. It was kind of interesting to play with. The problem with the UK using it as a kid deterrent is that adults up to 35 could probably hear it and a few older than that could hear it to.

See if you can hear it:

or try this site

Just be warned: if you can hear this, it will probably not feel good if you have the volume up too loud.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Launchy Video

I just found a video that CNET did that explains Launchy and how to use it.

As a note: I've been using this tool for almost two months now and I cannot live without it now.

Destroy The Web

I found a cool website that allows you to destroy any website that you want. No, you don't really bring the website down but the site allows you to have dinosaurs, tornadoes, wasps and many more things to destroy your favorite or most hated websites. Check it out:

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dates in Batch Files

I was using a batch file to kick off a process that grabs a file off a server. One of the arguments of the command to get the file tells the command where to store the file, including the file's name. We wanted the file's name to based of the date the file was stored on our servers. So I needed away to get the current date and passed it in as a command line argument. Here's what I found:

@For /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%A in ('Date /t') do @(
Set Month=%%A
Set Day=%%B
Set Year=%%C

MyCommand.exe FileName="MyFile%Year%%Month%%Day%.txt"

This command works very well.
