Friday, June 30, 2006 - Free Telephone Conference Call Service

After researching the site that I blogged earlier, I found that the free teleconferencing services that they use is provided by . They have more advanced options than the one provided by Their middle tiered service (also free) lets you setup security and manage/schedule teleconferences online via web web browser. Could be very handy for distributed teams that don't already have this capability.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Vyew. Share your view.

This is probably one of the coolest finds that I've found in awhile. Vyew. Share your view. Vyew is a browser-based conferencing and collaboration tool. They allow you to share viewing of presentations (PowerPoint), files (any you can think of) and even your desktop. You can share a whiteboard and chat. They even provide a phone conferencing number (beware of long distance charges, they don't offer a 1800 number). The best part about vyew is that they're free and always will be free (according to them).

Here are some useful things that you can use vyew for:
  • Share an Office document (PowerPoint slides, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, etc.)
  • Look and talk about a map (going on a trip?)
  • Load photos from your favorite photo site (ex flikr)
  • Shared Google search
  • Share your desktop
  • Help troubleshoot/train a friend or family member
It's all so cool!!

Update: I just found out that vyew meetings are persistent. Meaning that all your meeting stuff will stay long after your meeting is over. So if you need to review or update your meeting stuff, you can.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Social Networking of a different sort, from Fon | | CNET

This would be way cool if enough people in Utah used it. I might actually start using once they upgrade their firmware to support the idea of internal wireless users and external wirless users. Social Networking of a different sort, from Fon | | CNET

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Way Cool

This is a way cool demo that I found. It would be neat to play with but I'm not sure it would be really useful. UI Amazingness at

Best Practices: Using Disposable Windows SharePoint Services Objects

A very good article about memory use of SharePoint objects. Best Practices: Using Disposable Windows SharePoint Services Objects

Monday, June 19, 2006

LITBox nice

I found this cool javascript library for doing in document pop ups. LITBox

Digging a hole to China

Have you ever wondered if you really could dig a whole to China? This mashup will tell you if you need to pack scuba gear or not.

What's on the other side?!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I love Pixie and that's ok

I've been using a special tool to help me do web design for the last four years. I've never seen anyone else use it so I though I'd introduce it to you, my friends. How do you know that you need this special tool? Have you ever taken a screenshot and pasted it into some kind of photo editor just to get the RGB or HTML HEX code for a color you wanted? Than you need my special tool. The special tool is Nattyware's Pixie.

Pixie is cool because I just have it running in a corner of my screen (it has a very small footprint, check the screenshot below) and it tells me the RGB, HEX, and HTML Hex color codes to reproduce the color that my mouse is currently hovering over. Pressing Control + Alt + C Pixie copies the HTML Hex color code into my clipboard. Pressing Control + Alt + Z will pop up a magnified frozen view of the immediate area around the mouse cursor (handy for getting colors that are only 1 pixel wide).

While Pixie won't revolutionize the way you design, it will save you time and hassle.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Data Dumper

Travis Haslam moved his blog address to hopefully he can keep it updated better than his last blog.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

echo for SharePoint?

Has anybody heard of echo for SharePoint from winapp technology? It looks like it might offer some features that our SharePoint app really could use. Please post in the comments your experiences.

ECM Starter Kit released

Microsoft's Enterprise Content Management Team released on Monday the ECM Starter kit. It has sample projects, new records management features, and custom workflows. Very handy resource for those looking to start developing against SharePoint 2007.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Ten Technorati Hacks

I've recently started playing around with Technorati and trying to track my blog's trafic on other blogs. It's kind of fun. I found a blog entry that talks about how to use Technorati to help increase your traffic: Micro Persuasion: Ten Technorati Hacks

Friday, June 09, 2006

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Google Browser Sync

How many times have you wracked your brain trying to remember a url or username/password combo from home that you had setup at work?! I do this all the time. I've even considered writing a little tool to sync browser information like bookmarks and username/passwords, but never found the time to do so. Gratefully I found the Google Browser Sync Firefox extension to ease my poor wracked head.

I have been a Netscape 8 user but it doesn't support this extension. So I have finally come back to Firefox. I now sync my cookies, bookmarks and history between my home laptop, home desktop, work desktop and work laptop. This extension is a must have. Thanks again to Google.

Changed My Blog's Address

I changed the name of my blog. I originally created the blog for recording my ASP.Net and Sharepoint adventures. Over the last several months this blog has turned more into a log of all my technical exploits and findings (And is really hard to remember how to spell). So I think this name and blog address will last me a little longer.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

CSS Help

I feel I'm pretty good at CSS, but every once in awhile I'll have to fall back on tables because I'm not quite sure how to do some special layout with CSS. I've finally taken the time to start researching the really advanced topics of CSS (like those used on the website). I found a hepful site that has links to lots of tutorials on CSS (going from basic CSS to advanced).

SharePoint 2007 Workflow Overview

I found a very good blog entry on SharePoint 2007 workflow. It explains at a very high level what workflow is in SharePoint 2007.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Found a New Blog

I just found a new SharePoint blog that is a good read:

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Coworkers Are Great!!

Everytime I think, I wish I had a tool that did something or that I should program it, my coworkers show me a free tool that does what I wanted. The newest app that they showed me is a PDF writer called PrimoPDF. PrimoPDF acts like a normal printer but instead of printing to a printer, it saves your print job to a PDF file. While it's not the best PDF writer out there (we use one at work that is more intuitive), it sure has the right price.

My Brother Has Seen The Light

After several months of prodding, I've finally got my brother to create his own blog:

PrintScreen App

One of my coworkers showed me a cool little app that replaces the default PrintScreen function. It's called Gadwin PrintScreen. This app is convenient because it allows you to "print screen" a portion of the screen, the current window or the full screen. It also has five tabs full of customizable options. This is a very slick app. Here's the link to the coworker's blog entry about Gadwin:

Coworker Blogs

Some of my coworkers have blogs. Some put more effort into it then others

I Want One!!

I just read on my rss feeds about one of the coolest electronic gadgets ever. A company in the UK has a "PC" called Jack PC that fits into a wall socket. It runs Internet Explorer 6.0 and a cpu that is equivalent to a 1.2GHz86 processor. The unit runs Windows CE but has built-in support to connect to Citrix and Remote Desktop. The Jack PC is so efficient that it runs on Power Over Ethernet(POE). They expect to release the Jack PC for less than $400. They have several configurations, including one that supports analaog and digital video and dual monitors. I would love one of these. Here's a ZDNet review on the Jack PC. I just found the manufacturer's site, they have more propaganda about the Jack PC. I also found how to buy one from Dell here.