Thursday, June 15, 2006

I love Pixie and that's ok

I've been using a special tool to help me do web design for the last four years. I've never seen anyone else use it so I though I'd introduce it to you, my friends. How do you know that you need this special tool? Have you ever taken a screenshot and pasted it into some kind of photo editor just to get the RGB or HTML HEX code for a color you wanted? Than you need my special tool. The special tool is Nattyware's Pixie.

Pixie is cool because I just have it running in a corner of my screen (it has a very small footprint, check the screenshot below) and it tells me the RGB, HEX, and HTML Hex color codes to reproduce the color that my mouse is currently hovering over. Pressing Control + Alt + C Pixie copies the HTML Hex color code into my clipboard. Pressing Control + Alt + Z will pop up a magnified frozen view of the immediate area around the mouse cursor (handy for getting colors that are only 1 pixel wide).

While Pixie won't revolutionize the way you design, it will save you time and hassle.


1 comment:

Travis said...

Once again Cody comes through with a great find... keep'em coming!